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Carole Oshinsky, M.L.S., Advanced Level 1 Teacher

Riverdale, NY & Deerfield Beach, FL

I was drawn to take a Breath-Body-Mind class at my local synagogue in 2018 because of the heath benefits it promised to adults and children. I had spent much of my career as a librarian in clearing houses and research institutes concerned with child poverty and child development, eventually becoming a publications manager and editor.

Helping people has been my vocation and avocation. As a young mother, I was a group leader and counselor for La Leche League International and more recently a literacy tutor at the library. In retirement, I also enjoyed the role of advocate to promote coordinated, comprehensive and quality services for children 0-3 years and their families by organizing professionals into Infancy Leadership Circles around New York State.

Earlier in my career, I established the resource center for the National Center for Service Integration and authored bibliographies on child poverty, comprehensive services, and child abuse. I also managed a section of the Popline database of the National Library of Medicine. From these activities, I learned about the range of health issues that affect women and children in the U.S. as well as in low-income countries.

Through these activities, I have learned how one person can make a difference in the life of a another person. I enjoy teaching breath-body-mind practices to my friends, family and the wider community.