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Lachie McLeod

Ballarat, Victoria

Lachie McLeod is an experienced kinesiologist who is also trained in Qigong healing and the Breath-Body-Mind program. His practice assists people to reconnect to their own inner knowledge and power. Lachie is a grounded practitioner who has found kinesiology, breathing practices, and Qigong to be highly practical and effective tools in helping clients transform their mental, emotional, and physical well being. His sessions are aimed at empowering his clients by providing them with the tools, clarity, and energy to take full responsibility for their own health and happiness.

Lachie incorporates the Breath-Body-Mind techniques in his one-on-one kinesiology sessions and assists in teaching the Breath-Body-Mind group program run by UFS in Ballarat, Victoria.
+61 439 315 305