Cindy T. Brewer, LMSW BOCES campus

Elmira, NY

I work with children with severe social/emotional issues in the Elmira Psychiatric Center – Southern Tier Day Treatment Program, under the Broad Horizons Program. All the children have Individual Education Plans and require the most restrictive school setting to meet their needs. The structured 6:1:1 classroom consists of 6 children, 1 Teacher, 1 Teaching assistant, and an EPC therapist. Their mental health needs are provided through this program with individual therapy 1x/per week (more as needed), group therapy 1x per day for 30 minutes each day 5x/per week. Medication, education, and monitoring per the Psychiatrist and RN as needed, as well as a scheduled appointment every 3 months. Contact with parents/guardians daily via phone, email, daily behavior sheets and family meetings 1x per month or as needed.

The population I currently work with are 7th and 8th graders ranging from 13-15 years old. I have 1 female and 5 males this school calendar (2017-18). The kids have symptoms of anxiety, PTSD, ADHD, mood disorders, etc. I introduced Breath-Body-Mind with this group in October – December 2017. I began by explaining the techniques and practicing how to breathe in their chairs. They all have yoga mats and weighted “stars” they lay on their bellies while doing Coherent breathing and Breath moving to the chimes. We begin by doing the Body Balance exercise to modern music such as “Can’t stop this feeling” by Justin Timberlake, Ha breath, the first 2 Golden Wheels and 4-4-6-2 Coherent Breathing. We do the exercises 2 x per week for approximately 12 – 15 minutes at 9:00 a.m. After the breathing exercises, the kids process their thoughts, feelings, distractions, comfortability, etc. They also fill out a brief evaluation form.

The goal of the program is to keep kids in the community and their homes. They are often one step from being hospitalized or referred to a residential treatment facility. The goal of teaching Positive breath is the same. It is to give them tools that they can incorporate in their daily lives to help them relax and decrease their symptoms of anxiety so they can function at home, school, and within the community.
(607) 426-8645