Joanna Harper, ND. Integrative Coach, Therapist and Trainer

Eastbourne, East Sussex

Joanna Harper is a Level-4 Breath-Body-Mind™ (BBM) Teacher, Mindfulness Coach, Tai Chi Qigong Instructor and Accredited Trainer.

As an experienced Integrative Coach and Therapist, Joanna uses a client-centered approach when working with her own clients, many have experienced stress, trauma and loss in their past. Joanna has found that BBM practices integrate well in her professional practice and offers many benefits to individual clients and groups; in addition to regulating Coaches and Therapists themselves.

Joanna offers a 12 Hour Breath-Body-Mind™ Introductory Course, live online via zoom, which is ideal for your personal and professional development, and an approved pre-requisite for those wishing to attend Level-1 BBM Teacher training.

Each Monday, from 8 to 8:45pm UK time, Joanna offers an online BBM Practice Class. To book your place, simply email Joanna.

More information can be found on Joanna’s training website - the link is below.