Joanna Harper, ND. Integrative Coach, Therapist and Trainer

Eastbourne, East Sussex, UK

Joanna Harper, MSc. is a Level 4 Breath-Body-Mind (BBM) Teacher and the Director of the Breath-Body-Mind™ Foundation UK programs. She has delivered international BBM programs and BBM teacher training courses with Dr. Gerbarg and Dr. Brown since 2021.

Joanna has a master’s degree in Transforming Integrated Health and Social Care, is an Accredited Trainer, Certified Master Coach, Naturopath, Qigong and Yoga Teacher.

In her 2022 book, The Trauma-informed Coach: Strategies to Support Clients When their Past Prevents Progress, Joanna demonstrates how she integrates BBM practices into one-to-one client sessions.

Joanna offers weekly BBM Classes and regular BBM training and certification courses. More information can be found on Joanna’s training website Integrate Training.

  • BBM Fundamentals - ideal for your personal benefit and professional development. This is an approved pre-requisite for those wishing to attend Level-One BBM Instructor training.

  • Level-One BBM Instructor certification training

  • Level-Two BBM Teacher certification training

  • Level-Three BBM Teacher certification training (by invitation)